Imagine a small village

A place where we live, love and grow together,
to be the change that we want to see in the world.

On the basis of love

A community wants to be founded. Where we take care of each other, the land and all living beings that call this place their home.

The systems and institutions that have supported our lives for the past few hundred years are proving to be outdated and unsuitable for overcoming the challenges that we face as a planetary civilization. It is clear that we need a different approach.

Let us take a different path and build something. A place where we can be. Ourselves. Practicing healthy ways of balancing freedom and voluntary boundaries. With shared responsibilities and a support system that is grounded in both ancient traditions and that which the current phase of human evolution is inviting us into.

Where we aim to think clearly, to feel wholeheartedly and to act consciously.

Imagine walking into this village. Full of life. Close to nature. Co-creating based on respect and equality. With spaces to be and spaces to work. Utilizing formats, systems and processes that support well-being and foster truth, responsibility and growth.

Do you have such a dream, and are you capable of executing on that dream?

Where is this village?

In north-eastern France, two hours from Paris. Within the gently undulating landscape of the land of Champagne. Just south of the Ardennes and west of the Vosges.

Amidst farmland, forests, the river Marne and centuries old villages. Can be found a green oasis. A farm at the foot of a small mountain.

A farm with historical significance, where people have gathered for centuries. Roads passing it that were first built by the Romans. And its hilltop a strategic location during several battles.

In an area that is responsible for a significant portion of France’s agricultural produce. Fairly conservative but with an active and welcoming local citizenry.

What about the land?

Entering the land is like moving into a peaceful, green oasis. With trees all around and wild animals roaming over the hill. Spread across ten hectares of forest, fields, water, farmland and with several buildings, the land has had many purposes, but has always been a meeting point. For the past several decades, it has mainly served as a campsite for (young) families celebrating vacation and pilgrims on their journeys to Rome and Santiago de Compostela.

It is a place radiating with life. With very potent energy that is waiting to be directed by the loving hands of the people that will inhabit the land for the next 100 and more years. Its very fertile clay and lime soil with orchard and permaculture garden is already growing fruits and vegetables. It is hosting campfires. Where people return to nature and kids have magical experiences. And will abundantly support the families that will be living on it.

The land invites its people to live with the rhythms of nature and of the animals that inhabit the place. To create regeneratively and celebrate consciously. It allows for finding magic in every day life.

Founding Families invited

This wonderful place is now opening its doors to founding families that are willing and able to start building the change that they wish to see in the world.

A community based on creation and regeneration rather than consumption. Inspired by eastern and western philosophies, esoteric and mystery schools, alternative medicine and much more of the value humanity holds and has access to, that modern society seems to have forgotten about.

Are you ready to create the new earth and build a village, right here and right now?



After being with a travellers mindset for a while, we decided to settle here not too long ago. Together with our three daughters we have been getting to know the farm, the land and the animals. The dream to create the village that we know is needed, not just to raise kids more holistically, but to live a wholesome life, with like-hearted, like-spirited people, starts here.

Below, find a family word cloud (yes, from here on that’s a thing :-)) with some of the things that we love and that inspire us. Join us on a journey to create an even greater community word cloud!

Living together

In addition to us with our three children, there are two elders who have made the farm their home for 50 years. They are a valuable part of the community with their knowledge, experience, insights, and regional network. We see them as advisors who can guide us, and who will support the community that is forming here.

To truly establish a community, we want to invite two founding families to build and develop this space with us. What already exists is a beautiful foundation, but besides the spirit of the place, the design and structure will be shaped by us together as founders. We see the core as: living in the present, building a future with care for all life around us, while gratefully using what nature provides us in terms of nourishment and the wisdom passed down through both old and new traditions. Life is here to be enjoyed!

What could it look like?

There are several buildings, in varying states. Some spaces are ready to move into, some need work. There is designated building ground on which it would be possible to construct new residential spaces, so there is room to scale into an actual, small village with many more people and families living together harmoniously.

The campsite already attracts many visitors to the farm for half of the year. There are opportunities to farm on the own land (~5 ha), but also to expand into more land (~20 ha). In addition, there are numerous other possibilities, such as organizing retreats, a birth center, health initiatives, camps and festivals, or activities/services/products focused on the local community (the farm is still locally known for its former role as a “ferme pédagogique”). The key in this, is to feel the energy of the place and work with your (family’s) skills and capabilities to manifest something beautiful.

PS: the name, la coMMune, is a working title, and so is the logo. Let’s come up with something special, unique and resonant together!

Be the change!

Do you feel a longing to be the most loving and powerful version of yourself? To be in contact with nature, the people, and the place where you live? Where your children can be at peace, with space, and can grow up carefree?

What are we looking for?

The first step we see is twofold: we are looking for two founding families who feel a passion and drive to create something strong and beautiful. In addition, we are also looking for individuals/families who are curious about our story and may see themselves as part of such a community in the long term. If you don’t see yourself as a founding family but are interested in following what unfolds, please leave your contact details.

We recognize that building a community involves more than simply living close to each other. It requires reflecting on and embracing shared values, determining what truly matters, and collaborating on shared responsibilities. Establishing a culture that encourages open communication, honesty, and constructive conflict resolution is essential to creating a lasting collective. We would love for you to have thoughts and feelings on this, and to begin working together on building this foundation.

Desiring to found a community is different to joining a community and we are now looking for co-founders to start actively working with. Are you at a great place in your life, have you manifested something beautiful for your family, and are you now dreaming bigger? Having a dream is a terrific start. We would love to be captivated by you speaking of it. Being able to execute on the dream, deliberately, with conviction, is required to also materialize it. We are curious to hear what you’ve been able to create for your family in recent years and how founding a community is your next big endeavour.

Respect, autonomy, personal leadership, love, trust, vulnerability, curiosity, relaxation, resourcefulness, and perseverance are some of what we feel is essential for living together in this place. As we are forming an international community, we believe proficiency in English is essential. While French will be helpful for daily life, a commitment to learning can quickly bridge any gaps. We speak Dutch, English, and French, and are raising our children to be trilingual.

Do you feel called?

Perhaps you have seen communities in Europe or elsewhere in the world and long for that kind of shared life. Or maybe you already live in a similar way but have a dream of shaping your vision together with others to create something new. Perhaps with children you want to home-school or already do. If you work online and have an income, or have a buffer to give yourself time to set up a business, this offers the peace and space to change your physical environment and adapt to it. And time to develop this paradise in France further into a loving community, together with us and another founding family. We are super excited to start this process and have conversations with amazing people about the next steps. Let’s build a solid foundation that will foster future growth!


Then fill out the form!

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feel free to share this page!

Not founding right now, but curious to follow our story or join us at a later stage? Leave us your contact details!